​Email: drsharonmarlowe@gmail.com
Spire Bristol Hospital
Redland Hill

About Dr Marlowe
Dr. Sharon Marlowe
Consultant in Infectious Diseases / Tropical Medicine & General Medicine
I originally trained as a doctor at Bristol University and have gone on to train in some of the premiere centres for infectious diseases, tropical medicine and clinical microbiology in the UK and around the world.
I gained my medical degree from the University of Bristol after completing my training in hospitals in the South West Region. I have been awarded the Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
I worked for three years, running international clinical trials for the Department of International Development and obtained my MD after completing my research into mycobacterial diseases during this time from the University of London.
In addition to general infectious diseases, I have a particular interest in tropical diseases and infections in returning travellers, chronic infections including tuberculosis, HIV and viral hepatitis.
I worked and was awarded an MD for my research at the world famous London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I went on to be appointed as a consultant at Flinders University Hospital, Australia.
My experience has also included three years in Ethiopia and Nepal. I have a strong research background, initially running public health programmes in HIV in Africa for the Department for International Development (DFID), then carrying out international clinical trials in mycobacterial diseases. I went on to work in Birmingham and Manchester before returning to make my home back in Bristol.
I have been appointed as a consultant in the NHS and have worked previously at the United Bristol NHS Trust and Weston Area Trust. I have worked in the past with the Health Protection Agency in the South West and collaborated on their TB Programme. I was involved in research into hepatitis C with the University of Bristol and the Viral Hepatitis Department at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.
I currently sit on the Steering Committee for Lyme Disease for the Royal College of GPs and have been involved in writing a definitive online Toolkit for Lyme Disease in the UK and educating GPs about this disease.
I run a busy clinic at Spire Bristol Hospital seeing patients nationally and internationally with chronic difficult to diagnose conditions, as well as all diseases in the returning traveller.
Working with the BBC
I recently featured on the BBC series The Diagnosis Detectives alongside eleven of the UK's leading medical experts to diagnose patients with life-changing symptoms that have baffled other doctors.